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Dentaa confirms Edem, Sarkodie, Stonebwoy, KiDi & King Promise received official invites to the 65th Grammy Awards!

Renowned CEO of Grow, Unite, Build, Africa (GUBA) Enterprise, Dentaa Amoateng has detailed how A-list Ghanaian acts including Edem, Sarkodie, Stonebwoy, KiDi and King Promise were all officially invited to the 2023 Grammy Awards ceremony.

Sarkodie and King Promise failed to show up unlike their mates Edem, Stonebwoy and KiDi.

Speaking to Sammy Forson on Showbiz A to Z on Saturday, February 11, 2023, on Accra-based Joy FM, Dentaa explained that the five Ghanaian artistes were guests of the African Nominees Brunch.

The said brunch had been organised by her and with the express nod of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Recording Academy of the Grammy Awards, Harvey Mason Jr.

“I was like: ‘Harvey, can I get invites to some of these African artistes because there are not many Ghanaians that get the opportunity to be at the Grammys so if I am able to go, I wanna extend that to my African brothers and sisters?’,” she disclosed.

According to Dentaa, with Mason Jr’s permission, she secured three invitations for her Ghanaian fellows to attend the prestigious music awards show.

She wondered to herself which artistes had visas to be in America and, “How do you invite the right and key people? I had to think about: ‘Okay, who is in America right now?”

“I knew that Stonebwoy was in the US, KiDi was planning on going to the US, and Edem was also in the US,” the actress and businesswoman added.

“We did extend an invitation to Sarkodie [but he] wasn’t able to make it, and King Promise wasn’t able to make it [also],” Dentaa said without stating why the said acts could not honour the invitation.

“For me, I really wanted to make sure that we had a good representation at this year’s Grammy Awards,” she stressed.

She indicated that the purpose for inviting the Ghanaian acts was for them to network.

The GUBA founder’s African Nominees Brunch was held on the eve of the Grammy Awards, February 4, in California for African nominees for the 2023 Grammys. Aside the African nominees, the event had industry notables including top record label executives present.

Dentaa Amoateng, a Ghanaian-British creative arts personality, noted that the African Nominees Brunch will take place again for the 2024 Grammys. She hoped that more artistes including females would get the chance to be represented.

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Emmanuel Ghansah, Ghana Music

Singer, Songwriter, scriptwriter, blogger, lover of the creative arts, brands and communications expert.

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